PNP Biotech Inc
What Is Cepharanthin?
Cepharanthin is an active ingredient extracted from plants of the genus Cepharanthaceae, which has a variety of biological and pharmacological effects.
Cepharanthin is extracted from plants in the family Artemisia, which contain high concentrations of cepharanthin . In addition, cepharanthin is also found in a variety of other plants, such as grass cepharanthin, rulan, and golden line hanging turtle.
Product Applications
1.Antimicrobial Action: Cepharanthin has a significant inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria and fungi.
2. Antiviral action: Studies have shown that cepharanthin has potential in inhibiting the replication and spread of certain viruses.
3. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic: Cepharanthin has significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
4. Immune regulation: Cepharanthin can regulate the function of the immune system and improve the body's immunity, thus enhancing resistance.