PNP Biotech Inc

Chicoric Acid

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What Is Chicoric Acid?

Chicoric acid is a polyphenolic compound widely found in plants.

Chicoric acid is one of the most important immunoactive components in chicory and Echinacea. Recent pharmacological studies have shown that Chicoric acid has enhanced immune function and anti-inflammatory effects, and can inhibit hyaluronidase and protect collagen from free radicals that can lead to degradation.  

Product Applications

1. Antioxidant effect: Chicory acid can effectively remove free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative stress, protect cells from oxidative damage, thus delaying the aging process.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect: Studies have shown that chicory acid has a significant anti-inflammatory effect, which can inhibit the generation of some inflammatory mediators and reduce inflammatory response.

3, immune regulation: chicory acid can enhance the body's immune function, promote the activity of immune cells, improve the body's resistance to infection and disease.

4. Liver protection: Chicoric acid helps protect liver cells, promote liver cell regeneration, improve liver function, reduce toxic damage to the liver, and help prevent and treat liver diseases.

5, blood lipid lowering effect: chicory acid can regulate blood lipid metabolism, reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, prevent atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

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